Friday, January 28, 2011

Will You Wed Me (in My Dream)?

Interframe: I guess I lost this 30 day blogging challenge, for delaying my 7th challenge, but still, I want to go on with it. Let it be. Lol. Guess what, I had weird dreams last night. First, I dreamed about my eldest sister, then about my lecturer's holidaying with her sister, then I dreamed about meeting a potential life partner whom my family chose for me in that dreams. What the heck was that?

 photo source: here

Dream wedding.

I had always imagined how my wedding could be, and yeah, I admit it, despite the singlelicious spirit I had in me, actually sometimes, I have a lot of  thoughts and ideas for my dream wedding. But the thing is, lol, I guess none of it can be practiced in real life. Hahah. I mean, where's the groom, first of all? 

To set the record straight, yeah, I love wedding, but at the same time, I am aware of the harsh reality of  a married life. So I always had dreams about wedding but not marriage itself. Meaning, I am not a fan of marriage. Cause I cannot imagine myself settling down yet. Hahah. Okay, back to dream wedding topic.
The thing that always remain the same in all of those ideas and dreams were the church bell ringing.  It's kind of romantic and blissful to hear the church bell ringing on a wedding. 

 photo source: here
 I would love to wear this Victorian wedding dress on my wedding because it is elegant and classic. 

Well, among all of the celebrity weddings, the wedding that resembles most to my dream wedding would be the one dream wedding of Giuliana and Bill Rancic. :') I would cry and thank God on my knees if I can have a wedding like that. I mean, it was grand, yet intimate where only their closest family and friends were there to celebrate. I want something like that. A grand, yet intimate wedding. Hmm..

So what do I need to have to make sure my dream wedding come true?
Beautiful wedding dress, check!
Yummy wedding cake, check!
Wedding photographer, check!
Lovely guests, check!
Wedding rings, check!
Don't forget, dream bridegroom, check!
OMG, it is such a headache to plan a wedding yourself!
How bout if I just replace the necessities with a good wedding planner? 
Yeah, a wedding planner with the same taste like mine and voila, I can just focus on enjoying myself on my wedding instead of worrying over all that stuffs!

photo source: here

I love this couple, Bill Rancic and Giuliana Rancic. 
Didn't they just have the wedding of the century?

My dream wedding would be one really expensive wedding because I want to keep the guests happy. What will make the guests happy more than a generous reception, right?

Just like Giuliana and Bill Rancic wedding, I would want a destination wedding.  They had it at Capri Island. I would want to have it at... erm... an island which have its own church or chapel, still undecided yet, but it has to be in Malaysia. But oh well, my wedding planner will pick them up for me and let me choose.

photo source: here

The chronology of my wedding will be like this.

Starts with wedding ceremony at church witnessed by close family and friends, followed by a tent built outside church for lunch reception. 

Then after that, during the night time, there will be a dinner reception at a favourite hotel, and we will have ballroom dancing for all the guests. 

The rest, my imaginary wedding planner will take care of it. If you want to get a clearer picture of my dream wedding, you can visit this link and see how Giuliana and Bill making a fantasy wedding a reality. :D

And they lived happily ever after! :D

PS: So, this marks the 7th day of the 30 days blogging challenge.

My dream wedding ( / )

Monday, January 24, 2011

Just Because It has the Power to Make Me Smile and Cry~

photo source: here (the puppy starring as Marley in 'Marley and Me')

Day 6:  a photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet ( / )
I have more than a dozen cats at home, but there's still one other animal that I would love to keep as a pet besides them, and as you can see, it's the cute animal you can see from above. 
 Actually, I was thinking of picking some exotic, beautiful animal, but I think, I want to keep a pet which needs me instead of me purposely buying it from expensive pet store. I would like to keep especially those stray animals which wander around the neighbourhood. 

If I get to see a stray puppy, I would definitely make it mine. 

There are reasons I chose dog or puppy, besides the facts that they are cute and they are man's best friend, I chose them because above all that, 

dog is a faithful animal. 

I am not making a joke, but even people born in the year of dog can make a faithful person. I experienced it first hand, perhaps it could be a coincidence, but still... it still does make a point right?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Before I die~

I want to...

photo source: here

...write and publish a book...

It could be a fiction, it could be a memoir, or anything, as long as not thesis or journal. :p

It's my life long dream, to write at least a book. I have so many dreams, this was one of it, and this was the only dream which remains with me while the other dreams come and go.

And I really hope I get to do this before I die.
Day 5:

  a picture of something I want to do before I die ( / )


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 4 Challenge...


PS: Pictures are organized according to their month of birth.. hihi

These are my favourite photographs of them because
1) I was with them that time
2) I took those pictures
3) They were happy

Guess what the challenge was? *wink2*

Day 04 challenge ( / )

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Imaginary Perfect First Date~

 First of all, how much perfect should a perfect date be? Fancy, expensive restaurant, a drive in a limo?

Na-ah~. These are not necessary.

One thing for sure, my idea of a perfect date would absolutely NOT be a blind date. Imagine, ice-breaking with a person you did not know during a date for two people. It's awkward. If the person doesn't have any chemistry with you, you're stuck with ONLY him for quite a long duration. I would not take that risk on a first date. If I want to meet new people, I would go for a gathering where I get to meet a lot of new people, where the more people, the less tense it would be.

But for my first date, let it be with somebody I already know and like (for example, Jericho Rosales *sigh*), and whom I would like to know better. That would be nice. Even if your date won't end up becoming your other half, at least, you get to spend some quality time with somebody you know right? A deeper friendship might just blossom through that experience. 

Ok, let's see about my ideas of a perfect first date. First, the time should be just right. Not too early, not too late. I would like the time to be from around 5 pm till 10 pm.. Now let's see where my imagination leads us to my idea of a perfect first date. 

Okay, so now I am imagining myself freshly showered, dressed in a pair of jeans and my favourite blouse, with a vintage sling bag. Why am I wearing jeans instead of dress? Hehe. That's because I want to do some outdoor activities, peeps.

Then, my date would arrive at 5 pm, and pick me up using a car. Not motorcycle or anything else but a car, cause we need to make a decision on where to go inside a car. If we were using a motorcycle, I have to shout to talk to him. So that's the rationale I choose car instead of motorcyle, ya, peeps. Hihi. Not because I want to be pampered okay~

Since it's still too early for dinner (5pm), we would walk around the nice street at Penang. Okay, perhaps the street that I would like to visit again is Little India. We would explore there together, take pictures and just to enjoy the street scenery. Maybe it will be noisy, but at least it break the tension between two people who are having their first date. That's the reason why I choose to go to place with many people on the first phase of my first date. We would have something to talk about, something to do with the atmosphere that we are in.

 picture source: here

After walking for around half an hour exploring the town, we would stop by a favourite cafe or restaurant, to purchase a takeaway food. My idea of a nice takeaway food will be pizza, since it's easier to be consumed. Then, after purchasing those takeaway food and drinks, we would drive to the beach. And yeah, we would walk around the beach, or cycle if possible, and bury something (like a bottle with message inside) inside the sand. Later, we would sit on the beach, watching sunset, while enjoying our dinner. After the sunset, we will take pictures and walk around the beach.

Next, instead of going to my favourite location again, we would head to his favourite location. Remember, a date is about give and take. And I just imagine that his favourite location would be hmmm... I'm clueless about guy's favourite location actually. How bout ice-skating? Yeah, that could be it. Then we would go to a complex and ice skate there. He would teach me how to skate cause I am clueless! (-_-")

Then we would have fun. Notice that I didn't include shopping and movies as the date activity? Hmm. It's because movies are more suitable for the upcoming dates but not for the first ones, and shopping is not a date. Remember lol. Unless you found a guy who likes to shop, then it will be an exception. 
For sure, I don't want my first date to be merely just an experience, but a memory which I would treasure and relate to years from now.

So this marks the third day of my blogging challenge --> My idea for perfect first date ( / ).. It's done, peeps.. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Movie With Millions of Messages

Do you believe in destiny?
A) Yes
B) No

If you watch this movie, you would answer A.

This is the one of those movies which got me engrossed from the start till the beginning. I mean, really engrossed, where I would observe the dialogues attentively.

Photo source: here

I was not interested in this movie at first, because I didn't know who Danny Boyle is, and who the casts were... until I knew that it won like 8 Oscars.I was like.. okay.. I gotta watch this movie. And I am glad I did (though I watched it from pirated DVD)

Slumdog Millionaire has a lot of underlying messages, from what I can observe.

-It shows that people usually rate others according to their background,
-how some people looked down on slum kids as if they have lower caste than animals,
-how people will fight for their beliefs and religion when fighting is against the teaching of their religion,
- how some cruel people used kids to gain profits
- and how school education and certification is so overrated, because above all, experience is the best teacher one could have.

Jamal Malik, the main character in this movie, could beat the lawyers and doctors to answer all these killer questions in tv programme 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' just based on his experience.
It kinda shows that our experience is the best teacher because we will rarely forget our experience and we understand about something more through experiencing it.

So, if I ask you this question:
Is Slumdog Millionaire your favourite movie?

B) Maybe
C) Not sure
D) Yes. Always my favourite.

By the way, this marks the 2nd day of blogging challenge: My Favourite Movie ( / ). Checked.

My Answer: D

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What's Your Favourite Song?

If somebody asked me about my favourite song, I will try to relate my favourite song with my favourite singers. Most of the times, my choice of favourite songs are affected by the singers. If the singer is someone that I like, then I will favour the song. But if it isn't, then I would be biased and try not to make the song my favourite. For example, I like 'Baby' by Justin Bieber but since I am not a big fan of his, I tried not to be so into his songs. (-_-") Oh no, I am such a discriminator.

If I were to list down my favourite songs, it is an easy job because I favour so many songs in this world. Yeah, I am a MTV freak and music makes my world go round, especially the song which can trigger me to dance (eg: hip hop song by Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, and so on). But to pick one favourite song which is worth a post, and worth my whole attention, it is hard. Which song do I like the best?  


You know what? I would like to pick a song which is not sung by a singer I know. That means this song would be my real favourite song since I like the song not because of the singer, but  merely because of the song itself. And I noticed there is a song which I like this way. A song which triggers me to dance though I don't know what is the lyric and who the singer is. 

And that song is jeng jeng jeng... 
Tinggi Tinggi Gunung Kinabalu
During the camp or a gathering, whenever I hear this song, I felt like dancing.I don't even know the lyrics of this song except for the title part of the song.

For that, I will present to all of you the lyrics of this song. 









I wish I could present you guys with the melody too but I can't post youtube here. And I don't know how to share music in a post. Hihihi.. 

So this post marks my first day of challenge in this blogging challenge. 

Day 1: My Favourite Song ---> Checked (/)


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Self Discovery Through 30 day blogging challenge

 So Kiki mentioned to me about the 30 day blogging challenge the other day. I went to her blog entry here and copied the 30 day challenge titles. I was somewhat interested, cause this is a good challenge for the person like me who is very lazy in updating my blog lately. Yeah, I ran out of ideas, I lost the motivation to write, and I kinda neglect my blog and focus and facebook more.. *Sigh*
day 1 : your favorite song
day 2 : your favorite movie
day 3 : your idea for perfect first date
day 4 : your favorite photograph of your best friend
day 5 : a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 6:  a photo of an animal you'd love to keep as a pet
day 7 : your dream wedding
day 8 : a song that match your mood
day 9 : a photo of the item you last purchased
day 10 : a photo of your favorite place to eat
day 11 : what's in your make up bag?
day 12 : your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is
day 13 : a picture of your favorite band or artist
day 14 : a tv show that you're currently addicted to
day 15 : something that you don't leave the house without
day 16 : a picture of someone who inspires you
day 17 : how you hope your future will be
day 18 : 5 things that irritate ME about opposite/ same sex
day 19 : a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 20 : the meaning behind your blog name
day 21 : a photo of something that makes you happy
day 22 : a letter to someone who hurt you recently
day 23 : 15 facts about you
day 24 : a photo of something that means a lot to you
day 25 : who are you ?
day 26 : a photo of somewhere you want to go
day 27 : what kind of person attracts you?
day 28 : in this past month, what have you learn?
day 29 : something that you could never get tired of doing
day 30 : a photograph of yourself today + three good things that happened in the past 30 days.

From the titles, I guess this is a good way for self discovery. I mean, yea, at least I will know how to describe myself during the job interview later when I finally graduate. So what am I waiting for? Let's type it out.. later... hehe.

PS: On the other hand, I think I may have difficulties to update my blog during the upcoming CNY holidays. So it won't be a full 30 continuous day challenge anymore T_T.  And at the same time, I want to tag Mel Chua, Hawa, Ada, Mel Ed, Pamela (I can't find your link, Pam), Melod, Step Ultraman, Claire Marie, Natalia, Esteranza and others who want to do this tag.. ;)

That's all for now. Thanks again Kiki for informing me about this challenge the other day. Caiyok caiyok.. heheh..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Open Diary~ (A Tribute to Facebook)

 It may be late for me to wish a happy new year but well, I still wana wish it. It's the 12th day of year 2011 and there were rumours going around that Facebook will close down on March. I may be bluffing if I say that Facebook has no impact on my life. Facebook, in fact, has affected my life so much. I treated it like my open diary. Yea, I know, a blog like this is an open diary too, but Facebook is more interactive and your friends can comment on the spot about your thoughts and you can do the same on theirs. It affects my life socially and financially (where I can just use the tagging service in facebook instead of sending sms-es). Hehe. 

Why is it not such an exaggeration if I say that my university life mainly revolves around facebook? 

Facebook lets me share my thoughts openly with my friends. Facebook enables me to see who has the same thought as me, and who doesn't. Sometimes, I know people will say that it is 'wu liao' and 'ciak pa eng' but I tell you, it was through facebook that I could borrow a text book from my junior, and it was through facebook I know the latest news, such as when do I need to get the result slip. It has done me more good than harm. And of course the harm that facebook did to me was to distract me from my studies, but apart from that, facebook had prosper my life socially. 

But I remember there were times where facebook nearly jeopardize my relationship with my cousin and my eldest sister. I remember when my eldest sister commented on my status when I lost my cell phone, I retorted back at her comment sarcastically and I knew she was hurt. And there was another time, when I went through my cousin's facebook wall, I was oversensitive and misjudged my cousin's friend comment as racist, and I  bashed my cousin's friend with hurtful comments, and consequently, I jeopardized my cousin's friendship with his friend. I did apologized at the end, but the thing happened. I couldn't erase it with an apology, right? Even my second sister and my bestie said that what I commented was too harsh. My sister told me it could be just a casual remark and good-natured jokes between friends and I took it a bit too seriously.

Despite the negative outcomes, facebook is still important to my life, especially right now., and it is a lie if I tell you that facebook closing down would not affect me.

To end this post, I would like to include the 10 most memorable posts of 2010 that I've shared in facebook.


7 December 2010, at 3:08 pm: I wonder if this Xmas tree that we put up in our house will survive through Xmas season. With more than a dozen cats around which hold the threat of sabotaging your Xmas tree anytime, I may not sound so paranoid for even thinking that it's might not be a crazy idea to insure every single thing in your house. (-_-")

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December 3, 2010 at 10.43 pm: Got a very special gift this Xmas. GUess who won Blackberry Torch 9800 from Digi Evangelist at Nuffnang? ;) Thank God for this..! Never thought i could be this lucky! :')

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November 26, 2010 at 10.51am: I wonder if the saying 'Time is Money' is still applicable. Cause sometimes we Spend and Waste our time just to Save money.. Proof: I am gonna be at KLIA from about 8 am till 7.30 pm tomorrow. Because the tickets are cheaper at that time.I desperately need something to kill the time at the airport tomorrow. *sigh*

November 24, 2010 at 10:32 pm: Exam abis.Pergi shopping.Beli barang.Syok sangat.Balik malam.Check facebook.Nanti mandi.Basuh baju.Jemur baju.Cadar juga.Last, packing.Benci packing.Sangat benci. Tapi terpaksa.Tak apa.Tabah saja.Fikir positif.Yang penting.Exam abis.Happy holiday. ;) Kepada yang masih exam- pesanan dua perkataan.Eh,bukan 'good luck'. Itu terlalu biasa dan klise.Dua perkataan je."Jangan jeles." :P Okay. good luck juga.Jgn marah.;)

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November 5, at 11:22 pm: Sari berita utama:Seorang pelajar USM Siti Hawa Suhaili telah dianugerahkan gelaran penyumbang ekonomi negara terbaik atas jasa beliau membelanjakan lebih daripada RM100 dlm sekelip mata di Tesco Sungai Dua petang ini.Barangan yg dibeli berupa barangan kegunaan dari hujung rambut ke hujung kuku kaki.Syabas diucapkan.Dijangka pencapaian beliau ini akan direkodkan dalam Malaysia Book of Records.Sekian.

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November 5, 2010 at 11:14am : is falling in love with Chinese songs, Chinese movies all over again. And she can't believe she fell in love with Korean artistes and songs too - (thanks to Steppu Chan). These are the Asian jewels she has overlooked all this while. And oh how she wish she did learned Chinese properly last time, she would have understood the meaningful lyrics of the songs. :(

November 3, 2010 at 8:02pmMenurut Siti Hawa Suhaili (2010), Facebook bukan sahaja digunakan oleh majikan untuk mengetahui bakal pekerja yg mereka ingin upah dengan lebih mendalam, tapi boleh digunakan oleh kita semua untuk mengenali bakal life partner dengan lebih mendalam melalui proses stalking, dan sebagainya. (actually proses stalking je - 'dan sebagainya' itu sebagai formaliti sahaja)

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October 26, 2010 at 4:53pm : hari ni hari malas aku first time skip dua tutorial in a row mesti susah nak cari kerja kalau my future prospective boss nampak status ini tapi aku malas nak fikir pasal future hari ini malas sangat sampai malas nak guna fullstop dan huruf besar juga btw hari malas kamu bila ok tido dulu zzzzzz
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October 21, 2010 at 9:37am: Dear God, please let me finish my Semantic assignment by today so that I will not skip the CUS gathering tomorrow.. And please, please, please make my
lecturer scribble the first letter that she learned when she check this assignment. In this, I pray, Amen.
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October 16, 2010 at 11:14pm: Just when I thought my family at home have forgotten about me for not calling me more than a week, suddenly I heard my ringtone ringing.. Mama, how come you can read my mind? Miss u, miss family, miss home, miss the cats, arggh... but i don't miss the house work.. :P

Interframe: And I wonder, when facebook ends, where can I share these short thoughts with my friends? Hmm..
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