Thursday, April 21, 2011

Aku tak boleh salahkan mereka...

kerana benda-benda macam ni tidak tertulis dalam kamus. Mungkin junior-junior aku ni semua memang rajin menelaah pelajaran, mereka hanya memenuhi otak mereka dengan ilmu daripada buku ilmiah. Tetapi, kadang-kadang, benda yang remeh dan non-ilmiah seperti ni pun penting juga. Jangan ada salah faham , jangan ada miscommunication nanti.

Situasi bermula di sini.

Aku baru habis mandi dan masih on the way ke bilik. Tengah lalu bilik jiran-jiran junior tu sebelum sampai ke bilik aku sendiri, terdengarlah perbincangan 'ilmiah' diaorang. Satu perkara tentang jiran-jiran junior aku ini, mereka kalau part perbincangan 'ilmiah' tu memang la bercakap dengan suara yang lantang. Time aku lalu tu pun sempat la dengar perbualan diaorang sekejap. (Disclaimer: aku bukan menyibuk hal orang ah, diorang yang berbual lantang tu, aku dengar je lah)

"Yang LOL tu apa benda eh?" seorang junior bertanya.

"Yang tu lots of love." jawab seorang junior lagi, sambil bercerita lagi.

 Waduh, biasanya statement macam ni akan buat aku LOL tapi entah kenapa time tu aku rasa emoticon yang sesuai adalah seperti ini.(-_-") Kalau betul definisi LOL macam tu, kan aku dah kena tamparan banyak wanita sebab aku banyak guna LOL time mengomen kat status lelaki di facebook. Adui.

Sesampainya aku di depan pintu bilik aku, aku terdengar lagi satu soalan bonus.

"Yang ROFL tu yang ape pulak, yang kadang-kadang diorang selalu pakai tuh?"

Tiada jawapan.

Okay, aku tak dapat dan tak boleh nak salahkan mereka sebab benda ni tidak tertulis dalam kamus. Masa aku masih Tingkatan 4 dulu, aku, sama seperti mereka, pun tidak tau LOL tu apa time aku tengah chatting dengan seorang budak England. Tapi akhirnya, aku dah mula memenuhi ilmu short form dan ilmu akronim ni lepas aku bergiat dalam bidang chatting, friendster, facebooking dan twitter. Orang yang rajin sms pun wajib ada pengetahuan ini untuk menjimatkan ruang dan masa. 

Okay, untuk pengetahuan adik-adik junior sekalian, biar aku, sebagai akak senior yang prihatin akan menyediakan satu rujukan untuk akronim-akronim yang adik tak pasti tu kat sini. Mana la tau, kot-kot nanti ada lelaki komen LOL kat status adik, habis adik perasan ingat dia syok kat adik la kan. Sebelum tragedi perasaan perasan perasantan macam tu terjadi, baik akak menolong di sini. Lebih baik mencegah daripada mengubati, kan?


LOL = Laughing out Loud (ini bukan lots of love. Ulang suara, bukan ye adik-adik)

ROFL= Rolling on the Floor Laughing

LMAO = Laughing My Ass Off

IMHO = In my Humble Opinion

BRB = Be Right Back

Ha.. kan dah tau dah. Hehe. Jangan salah aplikasi dan terkantoi pula.
Kalau bertanya pun, biar kat sumber yang betul. Yang tanya kat adik seorang tu yang memandai jawab lots of love tu yang aku tak boleh blah. XD

LOL X 10 kali!!!

Updated:  Terima kasih diucapkan kepada saudara Wilson dan saudari Step sebab cakap pasal dictionary yang ada bagi penerangan untuk akronim-akronim di atas. *wink2*.  Jika anda nak cari maksud akronim-akronim dalam Bahasa Inggeris yang anda kureng faham, anda boleh melayari urbandictionary atau untuk mengetahui maksud akronim tersebut.. ;)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


 Interframe: Sari berita utama. SK St Mary (bekas sekolah rendah yours truly) telah keluar berita dalam The Borneo Post berikutan satu insiden. Nak tahu dengan lebih lanjut, sila klik link ini. Tak sangka kan? Huhu.

Orang kata, jangan tolak rezeki. Well... Itulah kata-kata hikmat pertama yang muncul dalam fikiranku ketika menerima panggilan dari Mama untuk memberitahuku tentang tawaran kerja untuk menjadi guru ganti selama kira-kira dua bulan. Di Sibu. Di sebuah sekolah rendah, yang mana murid-muridnya terdiri daripada lelaki semuanya. (Disclaimer: Nama sekolah dirahsiakan supaya tiada paparazzi mengekori saya sekiranya saya confirm untuk mengajar di sana kelak) 

Tapi, berkata tentang rezeki, mestikah benda yang lebih lumayan tu lebih BERrezeki? 

Biasanya dalam konteks masyarakat masa kini, ramai akan mengiyakan soalan di atas. Especially kalau rezeki tu datang dalam bentuk pekerjaan sementara. Sebab tu kerja sementara, tak minat pun tak apa. Janji lumayan. Sebab bukannya kamu akan buat kerja tu seumur hidup la kan?

Dan dalam kes aku, rezeki selalu datang tanpa diduga. Rezeki datang ketika aku belum bersedia. Rezeki datang ketika aku dah ada pelan. Masa aku belum ada pelan, macam takde satu habuk pun tawaran kerja. Tapi pabila aku dah ada sedikit perancangan, Rezeki pula sibuk nak datang nak bagi aku dilemma. 

Sengaja membuatku terpaksa membuat pilihan antara dia (rezeki) ataupun dengan keinginan hati. 

Ok, berbalik kepada cerita tadi.

Mula-mula aku dengar suara excited mama melalui handphone miniku, aku mulai bimbang. Mesti ada sesuatu ni. Ah.. Jangan pula.. Bukan itu.. Bukan itu..

Dan apabila beliau akhirnya memberitahu hal tersebut kepadaku, aku dah agak dah... Memang itu dia.


Tiada mana-mana berita yang dapat menggembirakan Mama lebih daripada berita kekosongan untuk jawatan guru di mana-mana sekolah di Sibu. Serius tiada.

Guru ganti? Fikirku.

Di bawah merupakan subtitle perbualanku dengan Mama.

Aku: Eeeee, Ma... saya akan berada di Sibu untuk satu bulan ja. Mana dapat jadi guru ganti. Huhu.

Mama: Ai, jangan risau. Jadi guru ganti selama lebih kurang dua bulan je. Tu pun di sekolah *insert nama*. Guru besar dia bagitau kat saya ada kekosongan sebab gurunya nak bersalin. Guru besar tu sendiri yang nak awak jadi pengganti cikgu tu..

Aku: .....

Mama: Lagipun kalau guna sijil Form 6, gaji awak lumayan tau. At least RM 1000 ++. Itupun masih belum termasuk allowance lagi.

Aku: Eeeee, tapi saya dah janji dengan Mel nak jadi assistant untuk research dia kat Penang. (yesh, akhirnya dapat cari alasan muahahahha)

Mama: Takpa, nanti saya bagitau kat Mel. 

Aku: Tapi, aku tak tau la Mama. Aku lebih berminat nak kerja dengan NGO yang ada kat Penang ni.

Mama: Ala.. Dua bulan ja. Lepas dua bulan tu, bolehlah awak buat kerja awak kat Penang tu. Dua bulan awak kat sini dulu.

Aku: Erm... Bagi saya masa untuk fikir dulu ye.. Saya kena survey dulu kerja kat sini.

Mama: Ok. Tapi lebih baik confirm cepat ah. Sebab guru besar tu suruh kami isi borang permohonan jadi guru ganti untuk awak.
Aku: Okay. (-_-")

Line mati. 

Aku buntu. Mencari cara untuk membuat keputusan hidup mati ni.

Cara pertama aku memikirkan dilemma ini adalah dengan meng-update status di Facebook. (Ahem) Biasanya status ni berunsur kabur, tidak ada statement yang spesifik dan bermula dengan frasa "Dear God..."

Cara kedua, aku mengenang keadaan dulu. Fikir balik macam mana keadaannya aku menjadi guru sandaran selama 6 bulan di sekolah lamaku, St Mary dulu. Ada saat manis, ada saat pahit. Ada suka, ada duka. Ahhhh... Masih tak dapat buat keputusan.

Cara ketiga, aku fb mesej senior aku yang kerja di NGO yang aku minat tu. Mintak tolong dia untuk tanya kekosongan bagi pihakku. Kalau ada kekosongan untuk part time atau kerja sementara untuk 3 bulan, aku ON jer. Kalau tiada, aku pilih tawaran Mama. Ha, pandai tak? (sempat aku memuji diriku di dalam hati)

Cara keempat, aku bercerita dengan kawan baikku, Hawa, time pergi dinner. Di jejantas RST dan di meja makan Ismail Ikan Bakarlah tempat aku memberitahu Hawa tentang perasaan dilemma yang mengganggu jiwaku ini. Kata Hawa, bertuah saya dapat tawaran macam tu. (ini lebih kurang apa yang dikatakan oleh beliau. Hehe. Sori kalau ada unsur tokok tambah hoho) Tapi entahlah, aku tak rasa aku sesuai untuk kerja ajar-mengajar ni.

Cara kelima, call Mama balik. Tanya dia balik dengan sure apa mata pelajaran yang perlu diajar. Dan benda-benda serius yang lain.

Mama: Oh, ajar Matematik Tahun 1 dan Tahun 2. Pastu ajar Pendidikan Moral. (macam best ja dengar subjek-subjek tu)

Aku: Ma.. bila kena confirm? Saya confirm hari Jumaat boleh?

Mama: Ok. Tapi kenapa kena fikir?

Aku: Ala.. Sebab esok baru senior saya dapat bagitau saya sama ada NGO tu ada kekosongan ke tak.. Dan lepas esok baru saya dapat bagitau awak saya dapat mengajar ke tak.

Mama: Ok. Tapi kerja lah kat sini. Guru besar tu baik. Kalau awak reject offer ni, nanti malulah saya. 

Aku: Awak suruhla orang lain. Ada banyak orang mau kerja itu.

Mama: Ala. Dia mau awak. Sebab guru besar tu kenalan mama. (PS: Dalam mencari kerja, connection tu penting, lecturer saya pernah kata)

Aku: Ok. Tapi awak tau la, mesti saya ada masalah nak biasakan diri. Saya mesti susah nak bergaul dengan guru lain.

Mama: Jangan awak risau. Guru-guru di mission school biasanya tak sombong dan sangat friendly. (Tapi kenapa kakak sulung pula sentiasa komplen pasal cikgu yang poyo kat SMK St A******, Sarikei?)

Aku: Ha.. satu lagi. Transport tu bagaimana? Papa kan guna kereta... Dan.. Dan... Saya kan memang pengecut kalau pasal nak memandu kereta.

Mama: Ala, dekat je sekolah Sacred Heart tu. Awak guna jalan terminal Sibu gi sana, ok apa.. Papa cakap awak boleh guna kereta tu time mengajar. Papa awak kata, gaji awak sebagai guru ganti pun lebih lumayan daripada gaji colleague dia yang dah kerja berapa tahun.

Aku: (-_-") (dah habis stok alasan, so takde pilihan maka keluar statement tak boleh blah) Aku tak suka mengajar... Huwaa~

Mama: Hmm.. Dah bagus dah guru besar tu offer. Nanti apa saya nak cakap kalau awak tak nak? Dia memang dah beriya-iya nak awak jadi guru ganti tu. Mana saya berani nak tegur dia lagi lepas peristiwa ni? (lebih kurang macam ni statementnya)

Aku: Eeeee.. Awak memang selalu begini. Oklah. Oklah. Nanti saya mesej senior saya, suruh dia tak payah survey kekosongan untuk saya. Kamurang yang di Sibu sila isi borang permohonan untuk saya lah.

Mama: (seriously aku boleh DENGAR senyuman Mama) Ok. Ok. Kan. Baik awak buat kerja ni dulu. Dengar kata family.

Aku: Okay. okay. Baiklah.

Aku mesej senior aku, cancel plan nak survey kekosongan di NGO yang diminati itu.

Eh. Bila fikir balik, kenapa aku dah start worry tentang benda ni sedangkan aku belum lagi duduk periksa untuk first paper FINAL?

Haiz.. (-_-")

Aku harap aku buat keputusan yang betul.

Lambung syiling.

Kepala (otak) atau bunga (hati) ?



Yea, dan keputusan itulah yang saya ambik.

What is the thing that tempt you the most during exam season? ;)

What is the thing that tempt you the most during exam season? ;)

Answer here

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No Excuses

"Wah, of course you can score lo, your course is so easy... Mine so hard! And your school probably is more lenient than mine"
(Annoying Anonymous, 2008/2009/2010)

Have you ever come across people like these?

When you talked about academic with this kind of person, things like these tend to be blurted out, where when this person encountered failure, instead  of admitting his or her own faults for not being more dedicated or more motivated, that person blamed the lecturer or the dean for being too strict. Or even the course and subject itself for being so hard to be learned or very hard to score.

Whenever this person heard that a friend or a stranger scored high marks in their paper or courses, instead of showing admiration or being impressed with that successful person, this person will just say

"Oh, his/her school more lenient ma.. Easier to score ma.. Lecturers so sporting. Not like us. If I study that course, I will score like him/her or scored even better!"


Shut up and listen up..!

One thing that YOU need to realize.

Any course, regardless of how easy and how hard it is,
at the end of the day, it all boils down to one thing.


If you have guided efforts, you can score no matter how hard that subject is.

And if you don't have efforts, you cannot score no matter how easy that subject is.
(unless you're sitting for a kindergarten test with your university level knowledge)

In my Mandarin class, I used to think that me, being quite familiar with the Mandarin language since my high school years compared to my other classmates who were just introduced to this language, I thought that I could score the mid term test easily, thus giving less attention and efforts to this particular subject.

But when I saw the result... DUSH! I scored rather badly. And my classmate/friend who was not familiar with Mandarin and was just introduced to this language recently in this class, scored higher than me.

SO, the Moral from here is that, being familiar with something does not ensure you to score in that paper. Cause the way your answers are evaluated are not based on what you gained in your brain, but it is about what you can give from your brain.

You know what I mean?

No matter how good you are able to understand and absorb that knowledge, if you cannot present it well either in written or orally, you can never score.

But of course, first of all, you have to understand the knowledge.


Stop giving excuses for your failure. That's just so annoying and irritating. Start to recognize your own weaknesses and improve it.

Last but not least, good luck in your exams guys and girls.

God bless!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

5 Things I HATE about him, him & him

It's ironic, but people who is easily annoyed is usually the annoying person himself.

=words of lamehood by lameleftygirl - inspired just this morning=

Am I being sarcastic to myself? Maybe. Maybe not.

 I am a person who can tolerate with a lot of people, and I am not proud of this because that means that I am not straightforward enough. Whenever I felt annoyed, I keep it to myself, secretly wishing and praying to God that this annoying person would change somehow. Or at least be more conscious of their behaviour.

But then, this kind of toleration I only applied when I am with girls.

But when it comes to guys, it's a different story. I don't really care, especially if the guy is a stranger.  Sometimes I am blunt when it comes to guys. Ice queen. The way I talk to guys and the way I talk to girls, if you noticed, it's a little different. With girls, my jokes are kinda filtered and lebih lemah lembut (except for when I joke with my sista) but when I joke with guys, I never hesitate to go to the extend of teasing them harshly or becoming more laser.

Maybe I have grudges against guys. Thanks to my high school experience. Truth to be told, I never really have guy friends during my high school except for three to four guy friends. That was why, my mother would tease me with even any little my guy friends that I had (even with some guys whom obviously are not into girls, ya know what I mean) because maybe she would be worried that I will stay single. Well, mama, see, now in university, I have guy friends, but still, I'm single hahah. The theory about the more guy friends you have, the more probability for prospective partner cannot be applied because the more guy friends you have, the more comfortable you are, and you don't look at them in romantic sort but in a family way. It's not in the quality or quantity, mama, it's in the chemistry, biology and most importantly, destiny.

Ok, maybe you will ask, why suddenly this topic? 

Well, I lost the 30 day blogging challenge, but there's one topic from the 30 day list that I think is worth sharing.

Which was 5 things that annoy me from the opposite sex..

It's not hard for me to list down these five things because:
1st, I have bad experience. Really bad experience with guys.
2nd, due to this experience, I guess I've become sexist sometimes. (keyword: SOMETIMES. Now guys, don't you even think of running away from me)


is easily perasan. (how do we call perasan in English by the way?) Usually this kind of guy is so full of himself. "Yeah, I'm the best! I deserve the best girl!" Ptuih. Look at the mirror. This kind of guy, he felt great when pretty girls admire him, but when ugly girl admire him, he felt somewhat disgusted what the heck.
 I kinda had this experience back in high school. If you think I'm ugly now, I was uglier back then. I don't even look like a guy, I looked more like a bapok that time.

It was during my form 1. I was a really quiet person in class. Why? First of all, majority of my classmates speaks Mandarin. Me? Hokkien, English, and broken Mandarin. So instead of embarrassing myself of speaking broken Mandarin, I opted to remain silent in the class.

So there was this guy, who was my classmate for a very long time, he was very popular in this class. Everybody laughed at his jokes. I was one of them. The thing is, just because I laughed at his jokes, people around me thought that I liked him. (-_-") Please la... I was somewhat annoyed, why people would make that assumption about me, why people accused that I liked him when there were many others who laughed at his jokes. WTH! But then, I was a quiet girl, so I just didn't bother about it. But the problem was, from what I'd observed, he was bothered. I knew why. Maybe if I was a more popular, prettier and a smarter girl, he would not really be bothered about it. Instead, he would feel good about himself. But since I'm ugly, I'm unpopular, I'm *insert any cruel adjective inside*, he felt rather embarrassed instead of felt "wow, somebody admired me." He felt... disgusted.

All my high school life, I tried to not cross my path with him. I felt awkward. I wished I could just spill on his face and say "Sorry, you've misunderstood. I never had feelings for you. I just like your jokes and that's all."  But of course, I didn't do it. Instead of hating him (because majority people liked him), I hated myself. I hated myself for causing this misunderstanding.

For five years my high school life was shadowed by this hurtful experience and I didn't add him in facebook until now. So guys, moral of the story: kalau nak perasan ada orang minat kau pun, jangan nak memilih atau memandang rendah kat peminat kau. Cause belum tentu lagi orang tu minat kat KAU! PAHAM! Percuma ja high skul life aku kena ruined gara-gara lelaki perasan camni. HUH!

is judgmental. Just because he's kononnya perfect, he wanted to lecture you on every single thing. *yawn* Like, oh, 'girls should not do this. Girls should not do that.' Yeah, I know, you are just being caring and protective, but why the word 'girls'? So if guys do that same thing, it's okay la? Double standard. Heh! And furthermore, this kind of guy will ask you stupid questions like 'Do you drink?' which means that they wanted to risik-risik whether you have the ciri-ciri isteri idaman. One thing boy, if you REALLY like someone, you would observe it on your own instead of interviewing the girl that you like. Girls like to be noticed, not to be interrogated. And one thing, just because someone drinks, does that make her a bad person? And one more thing, when you really liked or loved someone, why can't you handle some little imperfection about her? You're not all that perfect yourself! Enough said.


is a sweet talker. This kind of guy made you blush, but  at the end of the day, sometimes you felt cheated. The way he acted later wasn't like what you've expected from what he'd shown you before. One word for them "Action speaks louder than words." If you really meant what you say, show it. Don't just make more promises that you cannot keep or keep up with.


is a control freak. My former student, Mary (bukan nama sebenar) has this kind of boyfriend. Tell you what, Mary is just only 14, but her boyfriend wanted to control her every single move. For example, Mary wasn't allowed to hang out with her besties, what the heck. Tell you what, this same boyfriend was caught cheating with Mary's own friend last time. I hope I can influence my former student to dump this kind of guy.


is desperate and hornyPleading us to be his girlfriends through the phones? (-_-") But apart all that, I'm still his friend cause he's special case. Not like all that other normal kind of guys mentioned above. HMMPH!

That's all for now. Reminiscing all these hurtful stuff just ruined my early morning. 

But maybe the timing's just right cause I will have to go for confession after this. 

Have a nice Thursday.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I don't blog about my own birthday because...

I know somebody did it for me already. :)

(and because I'm still struggling with my assignment now huhu)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Sweet Taste of Miss Ajuntha's Candies..

"I know I never really tell you all about this, but you all are really good, and I enjoyed teaching this class."

That was more or less what Ms Ajuntha (bukan nama sebenar) told us during our last LHP 456 class today. Our class started with Ms Ajuntha teaching a lesson on impromptu speech. Our last lesson. The word last could mean freedom from classes, but it could also mean the farewell to great teacher, great classmates and great memories. How ambiguous the effect it had on us.

After she finished the unit on impromptu speech, she passed around to us the candies that she promised to make for us. Its taste was sweet, as sweet as the memories we had during our class. Sometimes I  did complained why did I made myself busy by joining this course, but at the end of the day, I think that this course left a big impact on me, and it left me with memories as sweet as Ms Ajuntha's candies. I was really glad I took it. There were many lessons that I've learnt, in and outside of the learning syllabus, from this class.

After the eating session, Ms Ajuntha asked all of us to sit in a circle. We obediently and excitedly seated ourselves in circle as we know what she was up to. Some sharing among us, I expected - and I was right. We were asked to share our future plan after the semester, because majority of us were final year students. There were many who had the same plan like I do, which was to continue with Master studies, such as Hafizah  and her boyfriend Eizham (bukan nama sebenar), Yee Heng (bukan nama sebenar), Abel (bukan nama sebenar), and another guy whom I didn't remember his name, oops. There were many who also planned to look for jobs once they graduated. For the 2nd year and first year, they shared what they were gonna do during the coming four months holidays. WOo hOo~!

Actually, this sharing was divided into two parts -1st part about future plan (more to our professional side) and the 2nd part (which is more to our personal side). People were more anxious to know about the 2nd part of our sharing, which of course, mainly revolves around our status, single, taken or complicated lol. Some are taken already, some are single, and some are actively searching lol! 

When it was finally my turn, I told about my plan to go back to Sarawak for one month. 
Suddenly Ms Ajuntha asked all of them....

"Do you know where she came from?" 
And they all answered "Sarawak." 
"I mean specifically.. Maybe if you don't mind, you can share with them, cause she told me about Dalat and it was interesting.."she continued.

I was touched that my LHP teacher thought that my story on Dalat during my LHP interview was interesting, so I told them that I am from Sibu and my parents are from Dalat. They all were familiar with Dalat through the literature story "How Dalat got its name". Thanks to the writer, people knew about it and thought that the place was interesting lol.

I told them about me being a Chinese-Melanau mixed-blood girl, due to my origination from Dalat, and they all asked me to speak a phrase in Melanau. All I can think of that time was 
"Ngadan ako Maureen Chua" which means "My name is Maureen Chua."

After that, they all asked me to proceed with the second part which is jeng jeng jeng "Your status". Automatically, I made a statement "I think I'm gonna be single forever since I'm a feminist." It was kinda a statement berani mati cause I don't wanna get caught eating my own words in life later.

Ms Ajuntha was like "What if you found Mr Right?"
 I looked at my teacher and said " Hmm... It's hard to find Mr Right right now" without caring that they were many guys in my class hearing that statement lol. Or perhaps I prefer Mr Left (-_-").
"You know love happens.." Ms Ajuntha added, and I realized that my teacher is a romantic person actually hehe. 

Honestly, I don't know. I am not looking for love. If it happens, it happened. If it doesn't, I won't look for it.

And I noticed that this LHP class had turned into a sort of formal pillow talk lol. 

In exchange for the sweet candies, my class presented Ms Ajuntha with farewell card  that we secretly signed and Ferrero Rocher chocolates as farewell gift. It was a really sweet experience. :)

And the sweet taste of the candies lingered in my mouth. It was the first time I tasted it, but I won't forget the taste. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Winning Makes My World Go Round~!

I should had blogged about this long time ago but because I was truly demotivated to blog, I didn't. And now after completing my LHP 456 interview, which happens to be the last of the assessment too (hooray!), I must now thank Nuffnang & Digi angels for giving me a wonderful smartphone, Blackberry Torch 9800, besides letting me enjoy the pleasure of winning something. Not to forget, a lot of credits to my gangsta sista Mel Chua for helping me to take it from the Nuffnang office in KL (imagine all the hassles she had gone through just to find the office and take this phone lol). And  last but not least, there is someone who is more important that I should thank above all.

Maybe I did tell people around me that when I joined this contest, I didn't put in much efforts and didn't think of winning. But in actual, I really wanted to win it, it was just that, as usual, I was not confident in winning it. 

And maybe I did tell that this winning was all based on my luck, without efforts. But it wasn't the whole truth. I forgot to mention something.

Something important which I had taken for granted since I'm too engrossed on deluding myself with the thoughts that I'm lucky. 

It was prayer that I've forgotten to mention when I won this. I prayed. Almost everyday when I had my 3 pm Divine Mercy prayer, I prayed to win this contest.

But I forgot. (-_-")

And actually, during that time, my intention of winning this smart phone was not for myself, but for my mother. I remembered Mama saying that at her age (which is not young anymore, ahem!), she was still using the basic handphone which she took good care of, and me, I already lost two phones with better features than hers. Lol. I felt guilty, and felt bad for her at the same time. I mean, here I am losing phone here and there, while some others in my family members have to take good care of their belongings no matter how old or basic the model is. And at that time, I wanted to win this for Mama  so badly since I already had my Xperia (which I felt guilty too for owning it when the rest of my family including my sister who already worked didn't indulge in smart phones and great gadgets like I do, hmmmph).

  Thus, I prayed Divine Mercy diligently, voicing out intention to win this phone for my mother. I'm not a good daughter, I'm rebellious, I think I'm a black sheep of the family because I always do things against her wishes, and there's nothing other thing I can do for her, except for winning this for her. 

And I was really lucky blessed that my prayer was answered. 

And when I finally knew I won this, it felt surreal. I was happy! I felt that I was the luckiest person on earth! And I was so deluded thinking I was lucky till I forgot that it was due to my diligent prayers that I won this. 

When I was at home that time, I remembered my initial intention to win this phone for Mama and then during one fine afternoon, while I was looking for her white hair a.k.a uban in the living room, I told her this:

Me: Ma, this phone that I won, though I haven't get it, when I finally got it, do you want it?

Mama: Why? (Surprised)

Me: Because actually mama, I promised Jesus that I wanted to win this phone for you, because I know that you think that your phone are not as modern, but lauya hahahhahaa. Anyway, I already have a smart phone, and I think maybe this phone could be great for you so that you can use nice phones like your colleagues since you're the headmistress, should use the better phones than them. :P You already worked for so long, don't kalah with other teachers. Hoho.

Mama: (Smiling maybe amused at my sudden intention which is not always, you know ahaha) Aiya, not need la. I don't know how to use canggih-canggih things. You use that phone yourself la. I already have a phone.

Me: Really??

Mama: Really. I already have this phone. I don't need and I don't know how to use that kind of phone.
Me: Okay, like that thank you lo. At least I don't feel so bad since I already got permission from you. That means that I didn't break my promise with Jesus.. *wink2*

So, BB torch 9800 is actually a symbol of God's blessing to me. In everything you do, don't depend on luck, but you depend on God.

So, good luck  God bless, everyone!