Thursday, June 2, 2011

Of Honesty and Hypocrisy

When you say 'I don't care what happens'
People will say 'you're selfish and ignorant.'
 "When you say 'no comment',
People will say 'you are scared to take a stand.'
When you say 'No, this so wrong. He/she should not do this, I disagree with this,'
People will say 'You're damn judgmental.'
When you say 'Chill, relax, let him/her do what she wants. It's his/her life,'
People will say 'You're damn open-minded, you are an apostate, you're strayed, just like this damn person.'

 Don't you notice that no matter which stand you take, people will make negative assumption about it?

(Words of lamehood, 2011)

Well, the social issue that I was referring to was the confession made by Adindaevans who confessed in her blog that she is no longer a virgin. This issue was talked about because Adindaevans is just fourteen.

The reaction of Malaysians regarding this issue was of course - typical, there are so many people who bashed her, made fun of her, etc. Some backed her up, some made excuses for her.

I was surprised that people were acting like this thing was new and unbelievable when in reality this free sex issues happened among teenagers waaayyy longer before this girl made that confession.  
Back when I was in high school, I heard a lot of cases like these happening to my schoolmates, some to the extend of getting pregnant, but only now you guys started to make a fuss about it? 
What? Did Malaysians not know that things like this happened among teenagers for so long already? It was as if this issue was less important before because of the minimal attention than it is now.

On second thought, maybe the blessing in disguise for the fuss about this issue is that the education system and the family institution will take a more serious action in tackling and handling this issue when people start looking and watching.

Some Malaysians said that they are ashamed of her and at the same time judging her. Okay, so you are ashamed that the Malaysian teenagers are acting this way, but then, you are not ashamed to judge, to take the place of God, which do not belong to you?

Don't you have any humility in you?

At first, I could not care less about this issue, but to see the way people judge her, I felt so angry at these 'holier than thou' people. People like these exist everywhere. In fact, these people are the cause that social issues are getting worst. They are the person who made the youths felt that they are not worthy to turn over a new leaf. For you people who like to judge but do not have any eligibility (because obviously you did not graduate from law school to become a judge), guess what, your action of judging only lead to more harm than good. Do you think people will turn over a new leaf when you tell them

"You are not good. You are bringing shame to the country, etc, etc. Tak tau malu, etc."

Your act of judging will only make them more defensive and rebellious. 

And here's another question.

When people asked this girl to keep to herself about losing her virginity,

I wonder,

Does it make someone more virtuous by keeping quiet when losing virginity than the person who lose virginity but confess about it? 

Losing virginity is still the same, and keeping quiet about it doesn't make you any better than this girl we are talking about. 

And nope, don't get me wrong, I am not justifying her action, nor am I condemning her, but I am questioning those people who bashed and slammed her. My focus here is on the people who wanted to become the jury, or the judge, when in fact, they are not in the place or position to be so.

For those who like to judge - Start investigating your own sister, brother, kids. Just because they didn't confess or blog about it doesn't mean that they are still virgins.
You better think about it. #sarcasm#


Anonymous said...

Awesome awesome post, exactly what i had in mind, keep it up (:

Mad Maureen said...

Thanks Anonymous (wish i know your name).. I am glad we have the same thinking. :)