Friday, September 16, 2011

Impression and Intimidation

First day of class could mean two things.

First impression and intimidation.

I guess most of us would try hard to give the best impression on the first day of class so that we would not suffer for the rest of the semester. We would want to fit in, and be labeled as the ones with good adjectives and characteristics, such as the outspoken one, the smart one, the thinker and a few more positive roles. Most of these labels are used to camouflage our insecurity and our intimidation.

Many would try to get the lecturer's attention, but only a few would succeed. 
Although I had gone through many first days in my of my life, such as first day in kindy, first day of school, first day of work, first day of *insert whatever I forgot to include*, I still suck at giving a good first impression. The awkwardness due to my role as a klutz or the blur one, has never left me. I usually only get noticed on the later classes . And usually, that attention came when I least expected it.

I remember one lecturer, she was teaching literature, and she never really noticed me because a friend and I who attended her class were the quiet ones. We never speak out; we only answer when prompted, and more often than not, our answers were not really impressive. But that all ended after our test paper was given back to us. Before getting back my test paper, me and a few course mates discussed our answer, and I was dismayed when I found out that my answer were different from theirs. Gosh. I was expecting a failed paper.

All of a sudden, I heard the lecturer calling my name and asked "Who's Maureen Chua?"

I was dumbfounded. Why did she call my name?

"She has a very good answer for this question."
(She didn't exactly said it this way but the gist were there.)

God, you know how that compliment put a smile on my face whenever I recall this incident.She even asked my permission to lend my answer sheet to my other classmates, which of course I agreed to because I never really expect that I would keep this paper safely like now.

From this moment onwards, this lecturer never forgets me. I didn't realize those answers that I jotted down hesitantly could get me a recognition from a lecturer. Ironic.

Sheesh... Apparently, I am  too carried away cause I am not sure what was the connection between my first paragraph with my later paragraphs at this post but I guess, I just wanted to tell that first impression is somewhat overrated. In my opinion, first impression could help you only if you maintained it, but if you can never keep up with the personality or role that you are trying to portray yourself with during the first day, then it is better not to give any impression at all. Even if you did not score well in giving a good first impression, you can still have the chance to compensate that first impression with 2nd impression, or even the 3rd one.

The feeling of intimidation, on the other hand, if it gets the best of you, then you will never get to let your real self shine. If you turn that intimidated feeling and manipulate it, it somewhat can become a motivation.

Oh shit, what am I crapping, I need to get my book right now and get rid of this intimidation.

8 comments: said...

sesungguhnya bila skali kita kna puji n dpt attention dr seseorang (apatah gk kita ng menambakan perhatian dr org tertentu), ng rasa best glak2. alu rasa mok plah the best jak utk org ya tp2 kali...alu rasa smangat jak g clas. kuiz test sa mok sratus jak. mok g mintak ajar pun xsegan2 dah~

Mel Malden said...

hahaha. aku mok komen serius alu sik jadi gara2 baca komen di atas. cess.

i dont want to be noticeable actually, as long as my work is good. but i end up always being remembered. (err i guess?) not in every ocassion but in most situation im in. aku suka gyk being low profile. hahaha. im a ground dweller you know. hikhik. said...

keji li komen d atas mentertawakan komen saya di plg atas! GRRRRRR

amanda said...

good point mau! I've always wondered why ppl always say that first impression is important. Ppl should really understand the true meaning of the phrase "don't judge a book by it's cover" lol. want you see isnt exactly true one most of the time. the thing is ppl should really get to know that person. mau, i've always known you as The creative one. I'm sure ur answer is great ;D that's why.. don't underestimate your capability. hehe! although I do understand why u're like that..u're a humble person. :)

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Cik Hawa said...

saya mahu menge-like entry anda ini...

(macam tau je kes kertas ujian ti\u dan siapa yang terlibat..hehehe)

It's Michelle Muroh said...

My question is, Miss Maureen, what was the question and ur answer for the lecturer? I mean the paper. The different answer. I wonder what u wrote.
N oh, perkara paling best la rasa appreciated. Even a simple thank u for helping me can be motivating ur life.
Happy writing, u have one creative head, ur own way. Keep it up!

Mad Maureen said...

Step and Melod: Aku suka dipandang rendah pada pandangan pertama actually.. Ku sik tau kenak tapi nektok ku tau kenak.

Aku sik suka orang expect aku to be pandai, cos mun kelak expectation is higher than the real performance, aku akan mendapat malu. Aku lebih suka diingat bodoh, then after that i get to do something yg sedikit pandai, sidak akan appreciate and easily impressed sebab sik sangka aku boleh sampe tahap ya..

NEktok aku agak takut bila diajar oleh lecturer tok balit time kelas master cos nya ada high expectation terhadap aku sedangkan aku apa2 benda pun belum faham. aduiiii.. huhu

Mad Maureen said...

Ada: Oh Ada.. Thanks so much for the comment.. :) Made my day. THanks for understanding and knowing the reason behind every unreasonable things i do lol like memaki diri and so on. You always understand that. Yeah for me la, first impression isn't always the lasting impression that's why i think it was overrated.

Hawa: Hahah yea anda memang tau kesemuanya. Anda merupakan watak dalam cerita ini ba... XD

Michelle Muroh: Oh Michelle, this question is a literature question based on a poem "Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening".

And the question was "Discuss the contrast suggested between the speaker in the poem with his horse" and "the speaker in the poem with the owner of the woods."

I compared the speaker with the horse and also with the owner of the woods, while the others, they compared the owner of the woods with the horse.

So that's why i thought i keluar tajuk but thank God,i was on the right track. :)