Monday, December 6, 2010

Pursuit for Career HappYness

 photo source: here

My mom always tell me not to be too choosy while looking for a job.

I know that. I know I am considered choosy because the first priority for me in choosing a job for me is whether I like that job or not. Not the salary nor the classification of the job whether it is blue collar or white collar [I am even clueless which job falls on which category (-_-") ].Whether people will classify the job as good one or not, as long as I like it and it's a clean job, then I'm on for it. I don't give a damn about what others think of my job because it's my job, my career and it is for me to decide whether it is a right job for me (or not).

I am already feeling the heat of job hunting cause I will graduate next year. Most of my peers already had their own careers and I realized that I am going to join them in the real adult world soon - the working world. No institution like university to protect you anymore, no privilege of getting student price for the services that you want to purchase, nothing.

My mom suggested me to continue with Master and she told me not to worry so much about the school fee but worry more about my future. It's nice to hear some comforting words like that but at the moment, I am done with studying. I mean, there's more to life than education, right? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against education but for me, education is not only gained at class and lectures, but experience in the real world is an education itself.

I would like to continue Master if I can make time for it, but it won't be right after my degree I guess. I have not decide what I want to Master in, which field I like the best, so why indulge myself in something which I am still unsure of, right?

Personally, I would like to gain experience in a job first before I go for my dream career. My dream career is to be a writer, columnist or a journalist - anything to do with writing or being creative. Then again, before pursuing for this dream career, the job that I would like to experience first is the job that my senior is doing, which is to serve the community. I mean, what job is cooler than to get paid for doing good deeds for others right? Some would even do it for free. 

Still, I have to think it over. I want my future career not to revolve around earning money or getting promotion alone, but something which is more important like it involves my passion, gives me personal satisfaction and not to forget, giving back to the community. 

So, what is your definition of a career happiness? Is it a stable job, stable income, promotion, or doing what you enjoy doing? I hope it is the last one.

Whatever it is, I hope your pursuit for career happiness will meet a good outcome.


Mel Malden said...

yea..doing things that you love. There's something about life, susah nak paham. not always about money, walaupun saya tidak nafikan duit itu penting la.haha.
if you could find happines even in poverty, still, life rasa sangat indah.kan? haha

Mad Maureen said...

Betul3 haahaha.. ya... ya.. itulah yg aku kagumi pasal orang yang dapat find happiness in poverty. mungkin ini hanya dapat dirasa oleh orang yg spiritual kedak sami and nun hmmm... hehe. i really wish that i can get a job where i would be paid for something that i would even do for free. wa.. angan2 tok ahaha. XD